среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Well, we had a really nice visit back home to Ohio from the 8th to the 13th. Unfortunately, Rob and I both managed to get sinus infections just in time for the trip. ^_^; We both were laid up sick for the first day and a half of our trip. Thank goodness everyone understood, and we still had a wonderful time.

I got to see my younger sisterapos;s new house in Oak Harbor proper. Itapos;s a nice little place Theyapos;re right across the street from the junior high. It looks like theyapos;re settling in pretty well; the animals seem happy and healthy as well. Thereapos;s definitely some sprucing up to be done around the property as well as in the house, but it looks like a good start for them. We even sat and watched a decent portion of the Apple Festival parade from their front porch.

We got to visit with my parents and grandparents while we were home, and we got to spend some quality time with Sarah, Anthony, and Jen too. Another installment of the Ages campaign got to happen, which was loads of fun.

The only downside I can see really isnapos;t all that bad. On our way back to New York, we stopped in Erie to get gas for the car while it was still about 50 cents cheaper a gallon. I checked my tires, because I had been having some issues with low pressure previous to our departure from New York to Ohio. When Rob and I looked, one of my front tires was actually showing bits of metal. So, we ended up losing an about an hour of driving time to get the front tires on the Prius replaced at the local Wal-Mart. ^_^; It ended up costing us about half of what we expected, which is a really good thing. It just figures that every trip has to be some sort of a crazy adventure.

Now Iapos;m settled back in up here, doing laundry at the in-laws. Back to life as normal, I suppose. Hopefully, weapos;ll be able to come back for a short visit before spring. If not, weapos;re definitely looking at being back around Easter. Thereapos;s just too many important people back in Ohio for me to not make trips back to visit. ^_^
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